Comprehensive planning by local governments modified re mapping, subdivisions, zoning, and shorelines or wetlands [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1]
DNR water quality certification process and approvals re wetlands: exemption for specific road construction near the City of Tomahawk -
Nania, Jeff: 2007 National Wetlands Award recipient commended -
Nania, Jeff: 2007 National Wetlands Award recipient commended -
Wetland map review, wetland identification, or wetland confirmation: DNR to provide, for a fee, upon request of person who owns or leases the land; building permits or other construction approvals required to include information re construction on or near wetlands; DNR informational brochure on laws that apply to wetlands -
Wetland map review, wetland identification, or wetland confirmation: DNR to provide, for a fee, upon request of person who owns or leases the land; building permits or other construction approvals required to include information re construction on or near wetlands; DNR informational brochure on laws that apply to wetlands -
Wetland maps: DNR required to provide to each county; enforcement of state shoreland zoning standards and county shoreland zoning ordinances restricted
Wetland mitigation exception from DOT acquisition of land with highway program moneys: notice to city or village requirement added -
Wetland mitigation exception from DOT acquisition of land with highway program moneys: notice to city or village requirement added -
Multi-use trail in City of Whitewater: transportation enhancements grant, local match required [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 9148 (8i)] -
``Avery Wilber Memorial Bridge": DOT directed to designate and mark the planned STH 156 bridge across the Shioc River in the Town of Navarino as; contributions provision
Service to the state commended and congratulations on all his accomplishments as Chancellor of U.W. Madison
Service to the state commended and congratulations on all his accomplishments as Chancellor of U.W. Madison
Child advocacy centers: funding for [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 125g, 536m] -
OWI conviction for 2nd or 3rd offense: expanding a pilot program that reduces period of imprisonment if violator completes probation that includes AODA treatment
OWI conviction for 2nd or 3rd offense: expanding a pilot program that reduces period of imprisonment if violator completes probation that includes AODA treatment
PCBs in dredged materials: solid waste disposal facility prohibited from accepting, provision for vitrification of sediments at facilities in certain counties; DNR authority to enter into certain agreement with municipalities re dredged materials from the Great Lakes basin eliminated -
STH 21 improvement project in Winnebago County -
Case management services to applicant for a W-2 employment position in lieu of a subsidized employment position permitted if specified criteria are met [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1] -
Child care providers re W-2: DWD to provide quality rating system [Sec. 1336, 9155 (2)] -
Child care subsidies under W-2: DWD authorized to implement waiting list [Sec. 1424, 1431, 1432]
Child care subsidies under W-2: maximum family income level revised [Sec. 1426-1430] -
Children and Families, Department of, created; DHFS duties re services to children and families transferred to; DWD duties re W-2, child and spousal support, paternity, and medical support liability transferred to; DHFS renamed Department of Health Services [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"]
Corporate income and franchise tax reporting combined; renewable energy grant and loan program; Wisconsin higher education grants for technical college students; W-2 child care subsidy; manufacturing skills training grants; airport development and technology zones tax credits; fiscal changes; commuter rail transit system; WHEFA bonds for research institutes
Fraud by W-2 participants: counties and tribal governing bodies may create programs to investigate [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 453m, 1465m] -
Real work, real pay pilot project created; directive to DWD re continued creation and implementation of a subsidized work program eliminated [Sec. 1410, 1478, 1479, 1511, 1960-1965, 2033-2038, 2089-2094, 2162-2166, 2994, 3935, 9341 (3); Enrolled SB-40: further revisions, deletes 1960, 2033, 2090] -
W-2 community service job or transitional placement participants: additional technical college education program created -
W-2 community service job or transitional placement participants: additional technical college education program created -
W-2 grants for certain pregnant women and custodial parents revised [Sec. 1413-1419, 1433, 9354 (1), 9454 (1)]
Crime victim and witness assistance surcharges in civil offense cases: criteria for imposing revised [Sec. 496, 497, 3880-3884] -
Interpreter re limited English proficiency required regardless of indigency; reimbursement funding [Sec. 3773, 3774, 9307 (1)] -
Lay witness and expert witness testimony or evidence modifications -
Lay witness and expert witness testimony or evidence modifications -
Witness exclusion order: law enforcement officer may be ordered to testify before other witnesses in criminal or delinquency cases -
Witness or interpreter attending a court hearing: mileage reimbursement increased -
Witness to a crime: causing bodily harm or threats to cause made a felony -
American Heart Month recognized February 2008; Wear Red for Women Day recognized February 1, 2008
American Heart Month recognized February 2008; Wear Red for Women Day recognized February 1, 2008
Domestic abuse, child abuse, or harassment temporary restraining order and injunction: notification of the service of a petition revised -
Domestic abuse or violence recognition training: Barbering and Cosmetology Examining Board required to provide
Domestic abuse services grants by DHFS: additional funding provided [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 3885m, 9309 (2c)]
Domestic Violence Awareness Month declared October 2007 -
Female offender reintegration program in Milwaukee County: amount of annual grant set [Sec. 1115]
Hart, Virginia Baily: life, public service, and dedication to the causes of women and working people commended
Hart, Virginia Baily: life, public service, and dedication to the causes of women and working people commended
Nonprofit organization providing assistance to low-income individuals or victims of domestic violence and related crimes: county may appropriate money re capital and operational expenses -
Strangulation and suffocation: felony crime created; definitions and domestic abuse assessment re violated restraining order provisions -
Strangulation and suffocation: felony crime created; definitions and domestic abuse assessment re violated restraining order provisions -
Tenant termination of tenancy permitted for imminent threat of serious physical harm, conditions specified; lease is void and unenforceable if landlord takes certain actions in retaliation for tenant's contact with law enforcement, health, or safety services; municipality and county prohibited from imposing a fee on property owner or occupant for call for emergency services -
Tenant termination of tenancy permitted for imminent threat of serious physical harm, conditions specified; lease is void and unenforceable if landlord takes certain actions in retaliation for tenant's contact with law enforcement, health, or safety services; municipality and county prohibited from imposing a fee on property owner or occupant for call for emergency services [for further revisions, see entry under ``Landlord and tenant"] -
Voluntary and informed consent to an abortion: physician requirement to provide certain information revised re suspected domestic abuse, sexual assault, or incest; materials published by DHFS to include domestic abuse services information
Voluntary and informed consent to an abortion: physician requirement to provide certain information revised re suspected domestic abuse, sexual assault, or incest; materials published by DHFS to include domestic abuse services information
subjectindex/2007/winnebago county
subjectindex/2007/winnebago county